Trophies and Columns | Prestige Awards

Trophies and Columns

Please call 220- PAL1 (7251) for information regarding costs and delivery dates.

Trophies - Jan 2019
Trophies - Jan 2019
Trophies - Jan 2019
Comes in 3 sizes as follows 14.5" high, 12" high and 11" high.
Handmade Metal & Marble Trophy
4½” - 5¼” - 7”.
Classic Acrylic Cups FULLY ASSEMBLED
4¼” - 5½" - 6¼” - 7¼” - 10¾” - cup size only.
Plastic Cups & Lids Victory Cups
11½” Tall Base 3½” Dia. (6) - 10½” Tall Base 3¼” Dia. (8)
9¼” Tall Base 2¾” Dia. (12).
Plastic Cups & Lids
17” h - Base 3½” x 2” Lid ML114 - 14¼” h - Base 3” x 1½” Lid ML112 -
12¼” h - Base 2¾” x 1¼” Lid ML110.
Metal Cup Plastic Stem and Marble Base Lids Sold Separately OFFERED IN GOLD / SILVER
17¼” h - Base 3½” x 2” Lid ML114 - 14½” h - Base 3” x 1½” Lid ML112 -
12¾” h - Base 3½” x 2” Lid ML114 .
Metal Cup Plastic Stem and Marble Base
13¾” h - Base 3¼” x 1½” Lid ML114 - 11¾” h - Base 2¾” x 1½” Lid ML112 - 9½” h - Base 2¾” x 1¼” Lid ML110.
Lids Sold Separately OFFERED IN GOLD / SILVER
13”h - Base 3” x 1¼”.
Plastic Cups on a Marble Base
16½”h - Base 3½” x 2” - 13¾”h - Base 3” x 1½”.
Metal Cup Plastic Stem and Marble Base
17”h - Base 3½” x 2” - 15”h - Base 3” x 1½”.
Metal Cup & Lid Plastic Stem and Marble Base
18¼” h - Base 3½” x 2” -15¾” h - Base 3” x 1½” - 14” h - Base 3” x 1¼”.
Metal Cup & Lid Plastic Stem and Marble Base
16½” h - Base 4¼” x 2” Lid ML118 - 15” h - Base 3½” x 2” Lid ML116
13¼” h - Base 3” x 1½” Lid ML114.

Metal Cup & Lid Plastic Stem and Marble Base
1127¼” h - Base 6¼” x 2¾” Lid ML120 -15½” h - Base 5½” x 2¾” Lid ML118 14” h - Base 4¾” x 2¼” Lid ML116 - 12¼” h - Base 4½” x 2” Lid ML114 -
10¾” h - Base 3¾” x 2” Lid ML.
Lids Sold Separately OFFERED IN GOLD (G) / SILVER (S)
22½” h - Base 6¼” x 2¾” Lid ML124 - 20½” h - Base 5½” x 2¾” Lid ML122
18½” h - Base 5” x 2¾” Lid ML120 - 16½” - Base 4¾” x 2¼” Lid ML118.
Lids Sold Separately OFFERED IN GOLD (G) / SILVER (S)
17¾” h - Base 5” x 2¾” - 16½” h - Base 5” x 2¾” - 14½” h - Base 4¾” x 2¼” - 12½” h - Base 4½” x 2” - 11¼” h - Base 3¾” x 2” - 10¼” h - Base 3½” x 2” -
9” h - Base 3” x 1½”.
Full Metal Cup & Lids Genuine Marble Base
17¾” h - Base 5” x 2¾” - 16½” h - Base 5” x 2¾” - 14½” h - Base 4¾” x 2¼” - 12½” h - Base 4½” x 2” - 11¼” h - Base 3¾” x 2” - 10¼” h - Base 3½” x 2” -
9” h - Base 3” x 1½”.
Full Metal Cup & Lids Genuine Marble Base
14½” h - Base 3¾” x 2 - 12¾” h - Base 3½” x 2” -11½” h - Base 3” x 1½”.
Metal Cup & Lid Plastic Stem and Marble Base – GOLD AND SILVER
